All tagged AI interview

The Only Two-Old Bitches Interview of ChatGPT Ever!! | S9 E02

We couldn't resist. We were way too curious about ChatGPT to let all of the controversy and (rightful) concern about the dangers of AI deter us from asking it about our favorite topic: the experiences of women in our second half of life. So we asked Chat to take on the persona of an older woman, "dive into the muddy waters of gender and ageism" and share "wisdom that only comes from years of livin' and loving." What we found? You be the judge. She is clearly artificial and not very intelligent but she gave us a lot to think about and had an amazingly positive view about aging. Hope she similarly inspires you, dear listener. Or as ChatGPT said when we asked her to write the blurb, "Grab your earbuds and settle in, sugar, 'cause these two old bitches got a tale or two to tell."

NOTE: In this episode, ChatGPT is played by our multi-talented producer, Katharine Heller.